Monday, May 30, 2011

People who let people in from a place of business at a traffic like, especially if the light is green or if it is a right turn on red, but even more so when the light turns green I HATE. If WE have right of way, they can make a U-TURN as I have MANY of times to AVOID CUTTING in line if there is another way out(which 99% of the time there is). Now, I can understand if it’s the only way out, but even so, WHY not let them wait at least a minute or so(NOT THE FIRST CAR LET SOMEONE IN I MEAN) instead of the VERY FIRST second they are finished getting out the parking lot?

I hate when people think they have right-of-way when you are in traffic doing the “RIGHT” thing to not block the intersection, they think just because the light turns green, the stop sign is INVISIBLE that they have right-of-way now. Especially, people that want to make wide turns. I had that happen before a few times. This one time, I didn’t block the intersection in the left lane(which the road that intersected was by the right lane) and the right lane wasn’t blocked either. This man pulled in to the right lane(which IS ILLEGAL, because then HE is truly blocking an intersection by pulling in cross-ways like that). He was going to go in front of me, I made sure he didn’t get let in, because for one, HE STILL HAD THE STOP SIGN and two, he was BLOCKING another lane instead of making a u-turn, basically being SELFISH. He had the NERVE to after he got let in OF COURSE the uncaring people that let him in that weren’t thinking of the others in the line that had right-of-way or their feelings to flip me off and HONK. I honked back and flipped him off. The NERVE of people today. What is wrong with people? He was IN THE WRONG, had the STOP SIGN(we had the GREEN LIGHT), and he blocked an intersection(blocking a lane to get into the left lane, only thinking of himself, yet HE flipped ME OFF as if I was in the wrong. NO, HE WAS IN THE WRONG, LAWFULLY AND MORALLY!! I stand my ground and follow the rules, WHY HE DOESN’T HAVE TO? I don’t understand why people are so selfish and why they think you aren’t nice if you don’t let them in from a stop sign when it’s not being nice if you do to the people BEHIND YOU(their time)?

Do you all hate it to when you have waited in line for 3-4 minutes and a person just finished getting gas in the right turn only lane and they don’t wait even 20 seconds to get let in, meanwhile you just sat in line all that time? That is SO WRONG. I NEVER let anyone in from a place of business, because the LAW is that WE on the ROAD have RIGHT-OF-WAY. I have sometimes waited 5 minutes to get out of places and I would rather that than to be halted on the roadway, because the law is the law. It’s RUDE to ONLY consider the people coming out of some place. NO ONE CONSIDERS people BEHIND THEM TODAY I FIND.

At red lights even, when the light turns green, some people are digging through their car instead of paying attention. That’s so inconsiderate. WHY are people so self-absorbed? Those people wouldn’t like it if I delayed them, so don’t do it to us.

WHAT is the POINT of the LAWS if NO ONE FOLLOWS THEM by giving the right-of-way to the people that are already on the road BEHIND YOU and thinking about THEIR TIME AND FEELINGS, NOT JUST ABOUT THE PEOPLE COMING OUT THE PARKING LOTS?

I once had a situation where I was blocked my normal way out of a taco bell. I went out the way where they had a lot of traffic which I always avoided, but couldn’t this time. I had at least 2 people try to let me in, even one honked on me to go, but I didn’t. I stand MY GROUND when it’s ME coming out that I hate when people CUT in front of me that have ZERO right of way, I don’t do it to them. So I told that person to go by motioning him to go that he or she had right of way. I REFUSED to go just because they let me in. The people on the road had right-of-way of me at the Taco Bell.

My point is, WHY is the WORLD of drivers think of people coming out ONLY by the very first second the people are finished at the gas station, restaurant, or store(or wherever), their first thing they worry about is the people coming out, NEVER about the people that have right-of-way? WHY? I would rather wait 3-5 minutes to get out of somewhere than to have people CUT in front of me to where I end up not making sometimes 2 sets of traffic lights just so people can cut. I would rather make a u-turn to avoid CUTTING(which is being RUDE) to others. WHY have the rules if people are INCONSIDERATE to the people *BEHIND* them?

I also hate when you are in a parking lot when a person BLOCKS you in and you can’t even back up, because someone is in the back of you and you can’t go around them, which a lot of the times, the people aren’t even in their vehicle yet to back out. I can see and have done where a vehicle was backing out and waited for space, but NOT when the people didn’t have their back up lights on. People are SO SELFISH that cannot think of others. Once I wanted to go home and someone had to get their precious space. WHY? WHY can’t people move over to the side so people can go around them so they can do what they need to do? WHY do people feel like they own the space just because they wait for it? It’s nobody’s space unless it is for a handicapped person and even then, if 2 people want the space that are handicapped, whoever gets it first gets it.

I hate people also that block a lane to get into a certain lane and make others catch the red light or not be able to turn right on red. I have had that happen a NUMBER of times before. MAKE A U-TURN is what I did when I couldn’t get into the lane I needed to be in. Inconvenience yourself, NOT OTHERS on the road. Just because you didn’t get into the lane you needed to be in shouldn’t mean punish all the people in line or even one person’s time. If you miss your turn that you needed, just go to the next u-turn or exit. Do unto others. If you wouldn’t want someone to delay you, don’t do it to them.

I saw this situation I just talked about in the above paragraph today with someone blocking a lane. This AT&T truck(not an 18 wheeler or anything like that, it was small) had to get into another lane or he/she would go on the ramp for the interstate. The thing was by the time he/she was able to get into the lane, I would say the cars where already on the ramp well passed the traffic light even by the time then. If that would have been me, I would have wanted to honk on that person for being so inconsiderate. If you are in the wrong lane, TOO BAD, MAKE A U-TURN. Even if that means going on the interstate and getting off at the next exit, even if it is for a mile or 2. Don’t be RUDE like that. There’s been PLENTY of times I have made U-turns WELL OUT OF MY WAY to not stop traffic for just myself. One time, coming out of a taco bell, I had to get 5 lanes over(the fifth and 6th lanes where left turn only lanes to turn on a certain street), but with the amount of traffic, I couldn’t do it without stopping in the middle of the street to get over each lane. I went all the way over a small overpass to the next light and waited at that one to make a u-turn. I was CONSIDERATE of other drivers not thinking of JUST MYSELF ONLY.

The reason why I was at the right most lane was that I had came out the taco bell, but after I came out, there was no way possible to get over that many lanes without stopping some traffic which would be MEAN and VERY INCONSIDERATE of other people’s time to do have done that to others and could have caused an accident as well.

I have had drivers where I honked on them for blocking a lane to get into a different lane and they flipped me off. Can you believe that? THEY KNOW THEY WERE IN THE WRONG, BEING RUDE BLOCKING TRAFFIC AND NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW, as well as being SO SELFISH just thinking about THEMSELVES ONLY, NOT THE REST OF THE LINE OF PEOPLE, YET, THEY FLIPPED ME OFF. I don’t get that? WHY? If you know you were wrong, WHY would you act like you were in the right to do such a thing? Those times I am thinking about, a simple small u-turn and they could have easily been back to where they were at, but NO, SELFISH PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ONLY THINK OF THEIR OWN TIME ONLY!!

I also hate when you are in line at a yield sign, then the people don’t move up when the other vehicle moved already and they just sit. WHY? They moved up, PAY ATTENTION. That extra 2 second you could have GONE maybe, but NO, now you are in front of me instead of me being the next person to go. There is no real reason not to move up once the person that is in front of you sees it is safe to pull out.

I hate when people that have stop signs when the light turns green in the middle of traffic at a red light that people think they have right-of-way just because the light turned green, which it did for US on the ROAD, NOT for the person at the stop sign, they still have that stop sign. I can see if they can’t ever get out to let someone in, but no if they can go 2 cars behind me. That’s just MEAN AND RUDE.

I hate when people PUSH their way so you have to let them in as if they have right-of-way.

I hate when people motion someone to let them in by stopping when they have 3-4 car lengths they could have gone up and how sometimes they let in more than ONE car even. That is SO RUDE to others ***BEHIND** YOU!! WHY doesn’t anyone think of people BEHIND THEM TODAY as far as the MAJORITY of the drivers today? I ALWAYS CONSIDER the people that have right-of-way FIRST BEFORE others as the LAW states that is what I am supposed to do and it is RUDE to the others BEHIND ME to consider the ones that don’t have right-of-way. Also, it is safer to not let someone cut from a place of business for example by not halting too fast preventing a rear ending or possibly other drivers get mad due to the person that pulled out needed to be in a different lane that is blocked so the other drivers are mad at the person that just let this person in, which could be a road rage situation type of thing. Also, I have had this happen where I was in the left lane and switched lanes, which the person that was letting the person in from the median made a WIDE TURN(which is illegal by almost going across the lane I just switched in that was clear, so do you see how that could have caused me to have an accident by the person that let the person in? The person that pulled out didn’t go into the lane closest to them as the LAW says they are SUPPOSED to do, which meant I almost would have hit them since I switched to the middle lane that they were going perpendicular to me, so I could have hit them or they could have hit me on the side and they would have been at fault for pulling out as well as making a wide turn. Sure, they would have been 100% at fault since they had to YIELD since they were coming out from the median, but man, I was scared when that person looked like they were going to hit me on my side of my car. See how LETTING people in when they aren’t on the street(such as needing to yield or stop) isn’t always the safest thing. I know the person letting the person in didn’t know that person that was coming out was going to go into the 2nd or third lane, but still.

I hate when you let someone in from one lane that does have their blinker on and they block you to get into another lane. That’s so mean. You were being nice(since we are all in highway in that situation to them, but they weren’t nice to you back, blocking you of all things.) I HATE THAT.

I hate people who don’t turn right on red when it’s clear and there is no sign that they aren’t allowed to, because that IS blocking traffic in my eyes. They are blocking you from going when it’s clear when it is allowed.

I hate when people honk on you when there are cars coming when you are pulling out from a yield/stop sign or place of business. I won’t get killed for someone. If it’s not safe to go, I won’t go and I don’t care how long they blow their horn on me.

I hate when people have personal conversations in a parking garage exit when you are paying with the cashier or have a personal conversation blocking you from leaving. WHY are people today so RUDE AND INCONSIDERATE OF OTHERS? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO DO UNTO OTHERS AND TREAT OTHERS AS YOU’D LIKE TO BE TREATED IF THAT WERE YOU GETTING BLOCKED?

Do other people get annoyed at any of these?